T.E.I. Water Refilling Business
T.E.I. Water Refilling Business
T.E.I. Water Refilling Station is situated at Flores St., Barangay Sum-ag, Bacolod City
Presently it employs ten (10) personnel’s for its daily operation which specifically engaged for the water production for water refilling customers around the community. The personnel’s is also maintaining the sanitary maintenance of the system.
The business establishment is situated along the road to access ad accommodate the consumers. The refilling facilities are periodically been maintained and Physico-Chemical & Bacteriology tests are being conducted to ensure the safety of the consuming public.
The facilities are well maintained as to its sanitation and with close supervision by the the operations manager. There is a periodic schedule of clean-up of facilities, filters replacements and other non-technical serviceable parts of the system.
The management has a future plan to expand its business operations by delivering services to other.